Thursday, March 2, 2017

Love My Life - Pokémon Too

I love my life.
I am powerful, I am beautiful, I am free.
I love my life.
I am wonderful, I am magical, I am me.
I love my life.
-- "Love My Life", Robbie Williams

Recently I have grown fond of a particularly recent song offering from Robbie Williams, not just because of its inspirational message, but also because it made me think of Pokémon. I first heard the song after I was watching something late at night; the music video appeared after the show I was watching concluded. I was just about to turn the TV off at that point, but then I changed my mind so that I could watch and listen to the song; it's a decision that I don't regret as now I like the song. Moreover, within a few hours after I re-listened to the song elsewhere, I suddenly thought about Pokémon.

The message of the song is that everyone has to have something to stand up for so that they can say they are proud to live. Since Pokémon Trainers are people too, there is no reason that the same message also applies to them. In fact, for the lines of the song above, I know no other better characters that exemplify them than Ash and his companions; since recently I've also been on a BW series binge, I've been imagining Ash, Iris, and Cillan singing those particular lines - Ash takes "powerful" and "me", Iris takes "beautiful" and "magical", and Cillan takes "free" and "wonderful". Really, though, there is no reason that any Trainer, Gym Leader, and so on can't lay claim to these qualities, so I'm also imagining them singing at the end as a whole.

If you haven't found a reason to be attached to this song, yet you like Pokémon, then perhaps I've given you a reason. So universal is the message of this song that it applies to those that aren't even real. I'm definitely inspired - maybe Ash is too. ☺

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