Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pokémon Anime Song Remixes?

As a music fan and a Pokémon fan, in addition to the certain kinds of music I appreciate, I love all kinds of Pokémon music, including the songs from the anime. Along with that, I also enjoy remixes of different pieces of music with sufficiently varied styles. It follows that I would enjoy remixes of songs from the Pokémon anime, which would be something I enjoy as much as the original songs themselves. It also becomes a neat discussion topic for a post on this blog.

I thought of this topic when I was listening to one of the opening themes of the anime for something I need to do. (I've already discussed it in another post, but I'll keep it under wraps for now.) I think the original sounds really great, but I also think that a trance remix of it would be excellent and would lend a different character to the song. The tempo of the song could remain the same or be slightly faster owing to the musical genre, but the essential melody can remain the same, as with the vocals, which are already excellent in their own right. Though the time of the song has passed, a remix would also serve well to keep the song in memory.

It should be noted that the remixes I'm thinking of are different from the "alternate versions" of a song. Some songs of the Pokémon anime have "alternate versions" that sound rather different from their original versions, and I would call them as such. Still, a few of these do resemble their originals to a good extent, so much that they can be considered "remixes". It is admittedly hard to draw the line, as these "alternate versions" and "remixes" are both alternative arrangements of the songs. Supposedly, if the "alternate versions" are very similar to the originals, then it may be sufficient to call them "remixes".

That just leaves one to wonder about their existence. A cursory examination of existing media on the Internet showed that this doesn't seem to be a common thing for the actual songs from the anime, even more so the Japanese side. However, what is abound are fan mixes of things, some that are related to the anime and others that aren't, among all the other official things present in some form. What I'm thinking is that a few popular remixing musicians could be commissioned to create new remixes of the original songs, and this could then be compiled for something specially official. It would be interesting to see if this can happen.

Something I love about music is that one doesn't have to create something new; one can become a remixer by rehashing a previous creation. For Pokémon fans and especially the fans of its anime adaptation, the songs related to it become just as important as the episodes themselves. Combine the two, and that presents the potential for remixes of the songs of the Pokémon anime. I'm sure that if more of these can be created, it has the potential to please music fans, Pokémon fans, or fans of both like me.

One year ago: Profits on the Side
Two years ago: It's Pi Day!
Three years ago: Pokémon and Puzzle Games

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