Friday, June 26, 2020

Gift Stickers in Pokémon Go

For those who have been recently dealing with Pokémon Go, one might have noticed something different, particularly when opening or sending Gifts. Some Pokémon stickers might have been involved alongside them, which adds a little flair to the Gifts as they are sent, received, or opened. This is among one of the few recent additions besides the known "countermeasures" to aid things. It's a little thing, but quite a bit of it deserves at least a little bit of discussion.

A sticker may be obtained when one opens a Gift as one of the possible rewards, replacing an item in its slot, though it is only one of any given sticker. When sending a Gift, one can then optionally attach a sticker before sending it. For those who are sticker savvy or just need more due to demand, one may buy a big batch of a few unique ones not found in Gifts at the shop using PokéCoins, though one will still have to shell out and/or save up PokéCoins in this case. Any of them may still be of interest.

Now, if one is social media savvy, one might have noticed that the stickers seem familiar. That is because these are the exact stickers that are featured in some Pokémon sticker packs in LINE, a few being from the Chat Pals and Lively Pikachu packs, which I happen to have detailed three years ago (see below). What makes them a bit different is that the dynamic ones have become static - no sound, no animations - due to system limits, and some have had their text updated. They still work well for this purpose. 

As with any usable feature, it is possible to have some best practices. Freeloaders might prefer to keep getting stickers from Gifts, and that's fine, but the unique and numerous stickers from the shop may be an incentive. One does not absolutely need to attach stickers to every Gift, but it is helpful to do so to keep things from getting out of hand if one has many. Since stickers don't take up an item slot, they make it inviting to open up more Gifts to get them, which is a good thing, aside from spending for them. 

With the addition of stickers to Gifts in Pokémon Go, a certain page has been taken from the social media playbook. However, it's a good play, since the sending, receiving, and opening of Gifts are social acts anyway, which are only enhanced by way of these stickers that also remind one of a certain social media. They are sure to be socially welcome with the continued exchange of Gifts for the benefit of all concerned.

Three years ago: More LINE Pokémon Stickers

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