Wednesday, May 20, 2020

More "Countermeasures" for Pokémon Go

Close to two months ago, I detailed a few things that have changed in Pokémon Go to allow "Go at home" (now officially dubbed "Play at Home" - perhaps good for a later discussion) to occur comfortably. I dubbed them as "countermeasures" since they are implemented to divert play from where it may not be possible, which is out and about. Those alone certainly may not be enough, so over the course of these two months, more of those "countermeasures" were added. The ones that were just added indicate that they are as intriguing as they are helpful.

One of those "countermeasures" involve Field Research. Now, it is possible to get a bonus Field Research task each day without spinning a PokéStop. At midnight local time, a task highlighted in green with the word "Bonus" will appear if one has an empty Field Research task slot, or as a fourth task if three slots are full (therefore one must have no more than three tasks to receive one). These tasks are meant to be doable from home, though one may have to expend something to do so. For those who don't have access to a PokéStop, this may be considered very helpful; across the board, this means more viable tasks and Breakthroughs, which are also very helpful.

Speaking of PokéStops, an objective of spinning them is to obtain Gifts that can be sent to those in the Friend List. However, if one is unable to access them, then one cannot get them. To obviate this, a Buddy Pokémon may now bring Gifts if one happens to be low on them - by my experience, approximately half of the current limit. The number of Gifts may not be a lot, maybe two or three, but they may help to keep up friendship levels no matter where and how one might be. It's a small "countermeasure", but it's one that at times may prove its significance, particularly when one is too absorbed in sending Gifts.

The next one is somewhat bigger and more significant. One can now raid any visible Gym in one's vicinity, even some faraway ones, through Remote Raids. To do so, one must possess a Remote Raid Pass, which can then be used at any accessible or visible raid at a Gym and raid just like those who possess a Raid Pass of any kind... or almost, as there are a few restrictions that I can't explain briefly now. So significant is this countermeasure that it has made Raid Hour viable again starting a couple of weeks ago and even today, though I did not partake in it owing to other businesses and limitations. Still, this "countermeasure" has made things especially nice and accessible for raids.

There have been a few other changes that have been announced along with the other "countermeasures" as above, though I would consider them not too much as one. I'd call them as "souped-up extensions", since that's what they really are. It is now possible to power up Pokémon many times at once, a task that was previously repetitively difficult; enhancement items such as Lucky Eggs and Star Pieces can be activated as much as needed up to 24 hours each; and PokéStop and Gym interaction distances were doubled, allowing one to interact with them from farther away. Regardless, in some ways, they may be considered as one or a few.

The current global situation has changed everything, including the way some things work in Pokémon Go. But along with that global situation, the game has proven that it can change and adapt with the times. As a result, the game has become even more playable wherever one is and specifically "at home". These "countermeasures" have to be appreciated for allowing play to continue adaptively while Trainers wait things out for the greatest countermeasure of all, which is the resumption of normal play. That one will still have to wait for the times to change again.

Three years ago: Oddest Things with Pokémon

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