Saturday, May 20, 2017

Oddest Things with Pokémon

Earlier in this blog, I discussed odd things with Pikachu that I found. As it turns out, there are not only odd things with Pikachu; there are also odd things with Pokémon, or elements thereof. Like the odd things with Pikachu, these may be considered odd to different degrees, and much of this has to do with the relationship of the "things" to Pokémon. The things that I've found just recently might surprise you.

Yet again, one of those odd things is a food stall. See for yourself:

Sounds yummy!

Now for a little bit of explanation. This food stall sells - or is supposed to sell - fried "monster" cheese-flavored cassava treats, which is described below the Pokémon logo. In Indonesia, people love acronyms, even memorable ones, so if people can bend words to make and suit a particular acronym, they will. However, I've never seen this particular stall open, whether in the daytime or at night, so I remain curious. On the other hand, this kind of treats is available in other places, so I might go to those instead if I really do have a hankering for them.

Then, just the other day, I found this in a local TV show:

What is THAT??

The show is supposed to be a showcase for local cultural items, but in the introductory segment for this particular episode, the host spoke in a space where there was a Poké Ball in the background. It was the only time when the Poké Ball appeared, as the rest of the show, including the closing segment, took place elsewhere. I'm sure this appearance is incidental, but it warrants a mention nonetheless.

How odd is too odd? As I've mentioned in the post about odd Pikachu things, it's about the relationship. The "Pokémon" food stall is amusing although being only related to Pokémon by a language phenomenon, so it doesn't seem that odd. The appearance of the Poké Ball in a national TV show, though, is just quirky no matter what the case was, so it could be considered as odd. In other words, the former is understandable to the point that it's an ordinary gimmick, while the latter is an extraordinary circumstance that is not expected to happen, making them less odd and too odd respectively.

So once again, whether something is odd or not so odd, this time for Pokémon in general, can be judged by its impressions; if it works with it, then it's not so odd, but if it conflicts somewhat, then it is. In any case, oddness is relative depending on the thing and the circumstance. I suppose it's only right to prepare myself for the next odd thing with Pokémon that comes my way.

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