Sunday, May 7, 2017

Cosplay: J-COSHOKAI 2 - Utsukushii Hana

Here's one more event that's happening for the second time around. This event is a creation of Japan Corner students from a local technical college so that they could cater to fans of all things Japanese in town. The fact that they've only started this event the year before tells me that they've only started to understand that Japanese things are well-liked locally and they want to add to the event calendar. As a note, this is the third event in three weeks that I've been to, and there will be two more in the two weeks ahead. It used to be the case that local events were once every month or couple of months; now they can be every couple of weeks or even on back-to-back Sundays. It's hectic and fun at the same time.

Today I chose to cosplay Pokémon Trainer Red, the old version, as a change of pace. This time, I've also chosen to participate in the cosplay walk or parade. After not participating in last event's competition, I feel that I had to enliven this one. And... it was a riot, but in a good way. I still didn't win anything, though. I'm just thrilled that I got to participate, and maybe I'll get something next time. I've already got plans in mind that I can't wait to execute.

The one thing that is certainly different about this year's event is the venue. Last year, the event was held in the grand arena of the college, which felt very roomy, and perhaps a bit much. This time, the event is held in a smaller hall, which is less roomy but still somewhat comfortable, though this time the venue has its own stage, whereas last year the stage was brought in. Since this year some stands were outside, those that were had to face weather problems, something that didn't happen last year since it was fully indoors back then. Maybe they can reconsider holding it there again if they really plan to expand, but otherwise the current venue is OK.

Aside from this, the event is somewhat standard. There are bands, dance cover groups, and other Japanese entertainment. There wasn't anything extremely special for those. Regardless, the event is somewhat a step up from last year's edition. Even the event staff were very friendly and informative, something I noticed even before I entered the event; that alone made it worthwhile to come. For the most part, it has been a perfect day for a perfect event, and I appreciate it all.

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