Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cosplay: ComiCamp 2, Day 2

Well, it's Day 2 of this event, and nothing was much different than yesterday's. I still had to manage my stand, and I still cosplayed. As I knew this was going to be the case, I simply reused the costume I wore yesterday, third-generation Ash, since it was still fresh. Typically for multi-day events I try to wear different costumes on both days, but if I can't for reasons of practicality, convenience, or anything else, and the costume still happens to be fresh, then I will wear the same costume again instead of breaking out another set.

As I suspected, most of the cosplayers came today, making it a good day for cosplay. Today also happened to be the day when the cosplay walk or parade competition for this event was held, so that helped. Unfortunately I failed to participate in the competition since the registration was online on social media and I missed the part where I was supposed to register. But that's OK - there will be others soon enough. I'm sufficiently pleased to just be able to cosplay.

After having evaluated all the stands, I finally acquired a few Pokémon-related things to add to my collection, but they're neither much nor big. Some were even given to me as courtesy, which was honorable. Regardless, those things will be discussed rightfully in their own post to keep this one uncluttered and relevant.

As for the rest of the event, today it didn't rain, so it felt drier. However, the event, like yesterday, also ended earlier than I thought it would, which was also how a few of my cosplayer friends felt. That's also OK, since it is convenient to not have to cosplay for nearly half a day. Even so, the event was a far cry from last year's edition, which was fraught with problems from the venue and the weather, which wasn't at the same place and was even more open-air than this year's. I'd say I'm ready for a future edition if the event keeps improving like this.

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