Monday, May 1, 2017

Indie Pokémon Stickers

The event that I went to on Saturday and Sunday had as one of its descriptors as an "indie comic market", and looking at the stands, that was very much true. The merchant stands all peddled original indie wares, or at the very least original indie creative takes based on well-known things. Pokémon was certainly included in the mix, although in this event this was somewhat minimal. So minimal in fact, that the most interesting items I found were also minimal in shape, and they were in the form of stickers.

The four stickers on the left and right were obtained from one stand, while the one in the center was given to me as a courtesy. In regard to their artistic qualities, I have to say that these stickers are accurate to the way that the Pokémon that are illustrated are conventionally depicted, so that makes them pretty to look at and to put on. Even so, I find the one in the middle amusingly attractive because of its comical appearance and pose, in comparison to the other four, which are more standard and typical in appearance. (By the way, I tried to find Charmander, but I couldn't, so I went with Jigglypuff instead of Poliwag, which was also present.)

Now, stickers are to be peeled off and stuck on something. However, I haven't found the perfect place to do just that with these one-of-a-kind stickers. I have to consider carefully on what and where to stick these stickers that I obtained, because I might as well consider them permanently stuck on wherever they stick. So instead of sticking them to an object which I may not continue to possess, I can create an art piece with them by sticking them on an appropriate background, and once I'm satisfied, then I can frame the work. In this way, I'm almost ascertained to still have these stickers while using them as per their intended function.

Though these stickers are indie, they are still cool enough for any Pokémon fan to have since they are pretty close to - or as in the case of the center, reimagine a little further - conventional depictions. For any sticker that is good enough as these are, I say it's well worth getting them to support their efforts. Certainly I will be doing so when the indie merchants re-appear, especially the ones that peddled these.

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