Monday, May 8, 2017

Ash and Pikachu Keychain

I love anything with Ash and Pikachu, so it's no surprise that when I came across this keychain, I just had to have it not only to discuss about it but also to use it somewhere in the place that I live. I used to have a different character keychain for my room's key, but then that came off (though not damaged); this will certainly be a great replacement for that. Plus, it is Pokémon, so it will really reflect what I like this time.

I've discussed about keychains before, and I stand by the fact that not only does it not break my bank, you really get your money's worth with this kind of merchandise, since they can look really nice. Looking at my previous keychains, I'm also noticing that it looks and feels like the Charizard keychain that I got then. The details and colors for the most part are accurately shaped and colored, and that makes it really nice to have.

What I also can't help but notice is the pose in which Ash and Pikachu are depicted. I'm pretty sure this is an official image since I've seen it on certain official media, but then I've also seen the image plastered at a couple of Japanese events in the past. Because I cosplay Ash as well, I'm also tempted to replicate the pose with the help of a few cosplay photographers in town. I don't know how open they would be for that at the moment, though, since I've heard less and less from them ever since they banded together a couple of years ago. I'm still interested.

I like this keychain a lot. Even if it's not 100% accurate in detail and color, it's still plenty accurate to the pose that it depicts. It pleases me to have it, especially when I can think up of an immediate use for it. Any Ash and Pikachu keychain as good as (or better than) this definitely belongs in any fan's collection.

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