Friday, May 12, 2017

You Are Blessed

And you, you'll be blessed
You'll have the best
I promise you that
I'll pick a star from the sky
Pull your name from a hat
I promise you that, promise you that, promise you that
You'll be blessed
-- "Blessed", Elton John

It's been a month since I've discussed a song that reminds me of Pokémon, so I feel that I can discuss about another. This one has been on my mind for some time now, so now is a good time as any to discuss it.

All fans of the Pokémon anime know that in the very first episode, a Pokémon flew over the sky as Ash embarked on his journey and met the first difficulties along the way. That Pokémon is commonly taken as Ho-Oh, and this event is commonly taken as a sign of greatness-to-be, fitting in with Ash's desires of being the best Trainer there is. It's a fantastic goal that unfortunately has not been achieved yet, but I (and Ash) have no doubt that it may very well happen.

Now, in regard to this song, I feel compelled to think that Ho-Oh has the words of the lyrics in its mind when observing the world of Trainers, including those that have yet to become people (the first verse), hopeful Trainers (the second verse), and the most hopeful of Trainers (the third verse) where the last of these groups include Ash. The chorus, which I've quoted above, just simply refers to any Trainer but most particularly Ash. While I'm sure the lyrics all refer to a single person, this is a fanciful interpretation that is not hard to be imagined to be appropriate.

The point is that all Trainers are blessed for greatness, even if they don't witness Ho-Oh directly. Yet the fanciful thought of Ash witnessing Ho-Oh and being destined for greatness remains the most fantastic, even if this has a hard time of being realized. At the least Ho-Oh knows it, and maybe through the views of this song, we know it too. You are blessed, and that is a wonderful thing.

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