Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Site Design

Discussing the colors of the international Pokémon logo reminds me of something else that's blue and yellow, or at least close to it: this blog's site. Ideally I should have discussed this early on when I started this blog, but now it's a good time as any, especially when I have discussed a part of its inspiration. And yes, I still consider the design a creation, even if Blogger only provided the bones and I provided the rest.

The background of the site is blue with a pattern, and the text background is yellow, or rather a different shade of those colors (light for the latter, dark for the former). While blue and yellow are fine colors, I am aware that if I used the same shades as that of the international Pokémon logo, it would be way too strong, so that is why I used different shades of those colors, but still with a contrast that is reminiscent of the logo. The reason why I have Pikachu in the background was because I was going for a monochromatic look yet still wanted to incorporate it, which is why I also shaded Pikachu in the same shade of blue.

The title graphic uses the same blue pattern as the site background with a title that is reminiscent of the Pokémon logo in font and design, and the sub-text was chosen to complement and contrast the style of the blog content - the sub-text is white while the content is black, but with similar fonts. I designed all the graphics on this site with the graphic design abilities that I had; I am by no means an expert graphic designer, but it's sufficient for everyday needs, and in particular the needs of this site.

Will I ever change the design of the blog site? Content-wise, this will likely happen, but graphic-wise, I feel that I'm all set. Since this blog is all about my connections to Pokémon, I want to keep the design related to what I feel evokes the strongest connection, which is the logo, and specifically the colors of that logo. This doesn't mean I'm not open to new ideas, so if anyone out there has a better idea for the design and can execute my ideas better than I did, I might just implement it. Until then, I'm OK with this design because it works and it helps convey that I really, really like Pokémon, a feeling that is as strong as the colors of its international logo.

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