Monday, May 22, 2017

To Japan and Beyond

I've been to a few places around the world, but likewise and conversely, there are also a few places that I haven't been to. Among those places, there are several that are also connected with Pokémon in some way. I like to go to new places to see and enjoy them, but it would also be fun to go to places that evoke connections to Pokémon as well. I know I'm in great places if I am able to visit them and enjoy Pokémon at the same time.

One of those places that I haven't been to is Japan. It is natural for anyone who loves Japanese things, including Pokémon, to have the desire to visit Japan. It is, after all, the birthplace of Pokémon. I would want to visit to not only take in the sights, which is obviously a part of the inspiration for the appearance of the world of the early games, but also to experience Pokémon in different ways and grab as many things Pokémon that I can get for my collection. This is also in addition to a plethora of things I want to do in Japan as I am also a fan of many things Japanese. It would be a challenge to do all of these in a single visit, but at least I can try.

In today's modern times, Pokémon is known in many places. To that effect, certain places have Pokémon Centers, which instead of being a place to heal Pokémon, becomes a place to get Pokémon stuff. Some of these places are in Japan, which would be precluded in my desires above. But there is also a prominent place outside Japan with a Pokémon Center of its own, and that is New York. It is this that I would like to visit if I ever have the chance. Also, every year, the Pokémon World Championships are held in a particular location; while I hardly will ever qualify for such a prestigious tournament, perhaps it would be nice to visit and drop by as the tournament progresses.

As I've mentioned in this post, the regions in the main series of Pokémon games are based on some real places, including Japan and New York. A visit to the places as desired above would also preclude seeing the inspirations for the regions, as would be the same for the other regions I mentioned in the other post. Though the visits would be primarily uncharacteristic of Pokémon in the latter case, it would still be pleasant to take note of how they fit in, Pokémon-wise. The same would be true of other places that provide partial inspiration for other Pokémon things, like Venice for a feature film.

As a Pokémon fan, my desire to travel is similar to that of the ones who travel most in that world, the Trainers. So to be able to travel to those places where relations to Pokémon are present would be a wonderful opportunity. It would feel like I really am a venturing Trainer going there to catch Pokémon... or at least the experiences thereof, in addition to satisfying my travel desires. It really is a Pokémon world out there, and I possess the desire to see them all.

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