Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blue and Yellow Philosophy

I've mentioned the colors of the international Pokémon logo earlier when I discussed about logos, but I haven't quite discussed the philosophy of those colors. Every color has meanings associated with it, so even the Pokémon logo would carry meanings based on its colors. And based on those meanings, I can tell what philosophy I should (or already do) have as a Pokémon fan.

The primary colors of the international Pokémon logo are blue and yellow. In the most common interpretations, blue is taken to be a calm and peaceful color, while yellow is taken to be cheery and energetic. By these meanings, I can tell that Pokémon can arouse as much joy as it can pacify feelings. Meanwhile, to take cues from nature, blue is the color of the sea and the sky, while yellow is the color of the sun. Thus Pokémon evokes the imagery of a beautiful day, which is always something good to think about regardless.

So how does this apply to me? This tells me that I should be grateful to have encountered Pokémon as it has brought much feelings of joy in my life, but I should also keep in mind that I shouldn't go overboard with it - I should remain humble but with gratitude. And considering the natural cues, I can say and should remember that Pokémon is my heaven, my refuge. Whenever I'm feeling down, this is what I need to have in my mind. In any case, Pokémon is a joy for me and I should keep it that way; it's something that I strive for, including with this blog.

Anything that has color has meaning based on the color, and the international Pokémon logo is no exception. For that, it carries calmness and joyfulness, and to some extent, beauty as well. I have no problem abiding by these connotations and making them a philosophy; in fact, it should be something any fan of Pokémon will want to do, and it's only rightful to keep them in mind, no matter what we do.

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