Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Shout-Out to a Fellow Blogger

There are different kinds of bloggers on the Internet. There are "conventional" bloggers like me who use the power of words to discuss different things. There are also vloggers, who instead make videos to encapsulate their thoughts and get a good view of the situation. And then there are motovloggers, who are vloggers that do what they do while riding a motorcycle. It is this particular type of blogger that I derive some entertainment from, and there's one person with a particular Pokémon connection that I want to address and make a shout out to.

But first, a little confession. As I've explained in a follow-up post to my desires of making and having an itasha, I live in a place with many, many motorcycles around; in fact, I grew up with them and have witnessed how they evolved (pardon the pun) and how they now fill up the roads. So naturally, I became interested in motorcycles and perhaps in owning one. However, the reality is that I still don't have one, and if today's prices and lifestyles are any indication, I might just end up not owning one, yet the irony is that a majority of my friends own one of some sort. So I don't know about this - but what I do know is that I'll continue to have some attraction to motorcycles in the same way I'll continue to be fully attached to Pokémon...

...which brings me back to the point of this post, to address and make a shout out to a particular motovlogger with a Pokémon connection. And that motovlogger goes by the name of Chase. A year or two ago, I happened upon his motovlog channel on YouTube; at that time I did not think of it much other than it was purely entertaining from a motorcycling standpoint. It was only when the vlogs started to dip into a look at the rest of his life that I found out he liked Pokémon as well, to the point that he also showed off his collection of plushes as well as his 2DS... I think. It's been a long time. As if that wasn't enough, he also dropped in one of his vlogs that he cosplayed as well, though it was more of a Western cosplay for him.

Unfortunately, I fell off the "wagon", so to speak; when a series of unfortunate events befell his motorcycling escapades, I became disillusioned and found it hard to remain attentive to his motovlogs, so I stopped watching. I suppose it wasn't because I no longer cared - it was just because I didn't know how else to express my care, especially in regard to the unfortunate circumstances. Before this happened, though, I had the chance to write up an e-mail to him, and the way that he responded was really nice. Thus I also really want to say I'm sorry that this became the case. As fans of Pokémon, I think we should try to be close; it is, after all, something we have in common, and perhaps able to be combined with our motorcycling interest, as I considered with itasha.

So Chase, if you're reading this blog and this post in particular, I want to say thank you for letting us (and me in particular) peek into your life and to find out you like Pokémon, even if it's a minor focus than motorcycles. It is exactly what I'm doing here, only that is the primary focus. Regardless, we're also bloggers in our different ways, and I hope that we can stay close in that aspect, in addition to with Pokémon.

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