Sunday, March 12, 2017

Worldly Inspirations for a Small World

Faithful fans of the main Pokémon game series know that all the regions of these games were inspired by and designed after real-world regions, including the Japanese archipelago (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh), Manhattan and southern New York state (Unova), France (Kalos), and most recently Hawaii (Alola). It seems the Pokémon world is a small world after all, just like how some people believe ours is too.

As the trend of designing regions after our world is likely to continue, there's an intriguing possibility that ultimately we can geographically position all regions of the Pokémon world as we position ours in reality. At the pace that new regions show up, though, this might take a long time; consider that it took four generations to practically represent nearly all of Japan. And then there's the matter of linkages to consider - even though Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh by and large make up Japan, the question lies in how those regions are connected if they are to resemble our real world regions. For Johto and Kanto this is obvious and definitive by way of the first and second generation games; for the others, this is less so. And this latter case is one of the things that is to be answered in realizing this intriguing possibility.

In short, the possibility that our world and the Pokémon world is fascinatingly imaginative but also hard to realize. If the two worlds are to accordingly resemble each other akin to parallel universes, then at least we're somewhat in the right direction, yet admittedly such a possibility is distant and incomplete for the most part. Anything can still happen, and the world of Pokémon can still expand. Perhaps in the future, this possibility will not seem so extreme, and we will be able say that both of the worlds are really small after all.

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