Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I've gotten a few Pokémon keychains in recent times. They can all be seen in this photo:

Keychains are actually some of the most accessible merchandise I can get because they tend to be cheaper than other kinds of merchandise. Like quite a few of the Pokémon merchandise I've gotten recently, the ones above are all unofficial. Yet they still look strikingly interesting.

The Cobalion keychain on the left is actually a gift from a friend. He bought two Pokémon keychains, the ones he says looked most authentically like the Pokémon they represented, and I chose Cobalion for the exact same reason. The colors and anatomy are very accurate to how Cobalion looks like. Likewise, the Charizard keychain is detailed and colored accurately, which is why I purchased it. I also don't mind the comical appearance as it gives a unique character to Charizard.

The other two Pikachu keychains are purchases as well. I got the round keychain with the extra hanging Poké Ball along with the Charizard keychain from the same indie shop. There were several Pikachu keychains featuring just the body of Pikachu, but I wanted something different, which was why I chose the rounded shape that also featured the Pokémon logo. The Pikachu keychain still in the plastic bag is just Pikachu in 3D form, which is always interesting to have; this one I got at a Japanese event rather than a shop.

It's fascinating to see how Pokémon keychains can take shape. Certainly these are not the last ones I'll get; if I see other interesting ones in the future, I'll get ahold of it if I can.

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