Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Oddest Things with Pikachu

Just recently I noticed in my local neighborhood that there was a food stall, and on a box used as a part of the stall, there was a picture of a smiling Pikachu pointing to the right, but strangely there was nothing on the right. There was also no apparent relation of Pikachu to the food stall. As much as I am in delight to see Pikachu in such an odd location, it makes me wonder if there are other odd things with Pikachu on them (but not as odd as a wall mural, which is more creative than odd).

Continuing the food theme, it wouldn't be odd to see Pikachu on a tumbler - in fact, I would like to either make this or buy one if it already exists - but it would perhaps be a bit odd to see one on a cooking pot or pan. If the Pokémon snack I found last month is any indication, it might not be so odd to see Pikachu on many foodstuffs, unless the foodstuff happens to be some obscure, out-of-the-ordinary, ethnic one, in which case it would be bordering on odd. It seems the general rule for food-related stuff and Pikachu is that if it works, then it's not odd, but if the connection is not immediately or at all evident, then it may be considered odd.

A similar point of view may be taken for other non-food items. To see Pikachu on electricity-related stuff wouldn't be odd, but it would be perhaps somewhat playful. I could foresee decorating my power meter with Pikachu, though this could run afoul of regulations, so I won't do it - it therefore would be odd in that case. Instead, I could just put Pikachu to point where electricity could be obtained, which would be less odd and less dicey. Clothing items are a given to put Pikachu on, but that also depends on the item. Shirts like the ones I have naturally work to have Pikachu on them, as would a Pikachu tie, which is something I'm interested to have, but to have Pikachu on boxer shorts? That would be odd, but that is in fact the case; I do have Pikachu/Pokémon boxer shorts, which I wear on certain occasions, but I won't take a picture of it and show it here - you'll just have to take my word for it.

So really, if something is complemented with a Pikachu motif, then it's not odd; when it doesn't, then it is odd. As much as I want Pikachu on absolutely everything, if the impression is out of the ordinary, then it's definitely odd. On that note, maybe I should visit that food stall and try out the food to see if it's worthy of having Pikachu on the side. Just perhaps, that food stall isn't odd at all for having Pikachu.

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