Saturday, February 18, 2017

Pokémon Art on Walls

Some people are very creative with Pokémon. So creative, in fact, that they put Pokémon on the walls of buildings. Last year, I saw two pieces of Pokémon art on walls of buildings around town. The first is graffiti on a park building:

It appears that whoever sprayed on this graffiti is a fan of Japanese culture, as on the left (partly visible here) is graffiti related to something else Japanese. Whoever did it was also clever enough to dub it as "art", and I agree - which was why when I caught my eye on this graffiti, I just had to come back to the location to photograph it and preserve it. It was a good thing that I did so, because a week later the graffiti was painted over and lost for almost all time.

The second is a wall mural on one of the walls in one of the alleys near where I live:

As the mural has two of the first generation starters and the de facto series mascot Pikachu, it was most likely inspired by the boom of Pokémon Go. It is interesting that they were able to paint such pictures in a small space, as the alley only had room for parking small motorcycles while still letting people walk - this also explains why I took the pictures on an angle, because of the space. Unlike the graffiti, this mural has staying power; it was still in the same place even a few days ago.

In the right inspired hands and minds, Pokémon can result in great artwork, no matter the style. I'd say this very much applies to the two above pieces of art on walls.

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