Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Call of the Forest

When I discussed the SLA theme for Pokémon Go competitive PvP last month (the Voyager theme), I discussed the possibility that some of these SLA themes could be expanded, whether as the same theme or named something else differently. The theme for this month seems to be able to be considered as such. This month for the SLA, the theme is called "Forest". All the particulars of this theme can and do indicate the "wilderness" that is indeed this environment, but it's also more than that.

This theme can be considered as an expanded version of the Rainbow theme from last year; in other words, it could be called "Rainbow version 2". That is because the same type restrictions apply: Fire, Electric, Grass, Bug, and Water types are the allowed ones, including Pokémon with different secondary types. The generation restrictions are different, however: if for Rainbow the allowed generations were the first and second generations, for Forest, the allowed generations are the second through fifth, thus removing one generation while adding three more. Though not explicitly stated, regional forms are still restricted.

There are also a few other restrictions. Shadow Pokémon, despite their viability in battles, are disallowed for this theme, as is the newly introduced Mythical Pokémon Genesect due to their restricted non-general availability. Likewise, Tropius and Raikou are restricted as above, also due to the fact that they (particularly the former) may dominate species selections, with the evidence being previous themes and Go Battle League to some extent. Other than these, many species including Legendary Pokémon are fair game.

As with other themes, certain species have been identified as big hitters for this theme. Based on the main types, the interactions consist of the basic Grass-Fire-Water triangle with additional complications by the Bug and Electric types. Even with that, the secondary types that some Pokémon have may further pose complications. For example, the "mud boys" I previously described in the theme for March-April (Toxic) are back in play, and they can be pivotal for fending off a few of the core five types. There are many such interactions that I can't cover in a brief summary, which encourages exploration.

That "exploration" seems to be what the Forest theme is all about. The theme itself explores and expands a previous theme while retaining its core. Though the "Forest" connotation is far removed from the "Rainbow" one, it provides a different kind of "wilderness", for which the latter might be construed to lead to the former. And with that, the call of the Forest beckons those who might match wits against each other on the SLA with the available resources to conquer the wild blue green yonder.

One year ago: Localizing the TCG
Two years ago: Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 5/3/2018
Three years ago: Gender Mismatch Detected

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