Monday, May 4, 2020

Be Strong

There is a certain theme that applies to many fictional universes, not just Pokémon. That theme is the theme of being (and remaining) strong in order to get through life. It's a fairly common theme, so it can be discussed through various viewpoints and by various aspects. As I am a Pokémon fan, it would be apt for me to discuss it in light of that, which I would like to take this post to do. I of course have my reasons, which I will detail as this post unfolds.

In regard to being strong with Pokémon, I can think up of the ways that some Pokémon have been able to do so in the current and preceding two generations. They would be Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, and Dynamax or Gigantamax. While each of them work in different ways, they are all united by the fact that they give Pokémon the extra oomph they need to be able to face their adversaries. To be reminded of how each of these work individually becomes a reminder that one too can find the power within and become strong.

One can also become stronger through interactions with other things or people. Pokémon can do so as well, whether it's interacting with the environment to shape it and themselves, or with people in order to improve both parties, particularly the bond between them. The strength is gained through external means, but it is still empowering nonetheless. That is definitely something important for the Pokémon, and the reminder is powerful enough for any person.

One reason I wrote about this for this post is certainly because of the current situation of the world, which by now I ought not to explain needlessly as it is well-known. However, reminders of strength as through this post are perfectly fine to be echoed as often as needed and in whatever way that works and is appropriate. For me, the best way this works out is to take a few things from Pokémon and deliver my reminder of strength by way of these things. It should be a pretty good reminder even if one doesn't fully understand Pokémon.

Even more so, today is an especially good day to make this reminder. As I've noted, the concept of strength applies to many fictional universes beyond Pokémon, though how this applies could be very different. Still, there's something to be said about how similar the strength may be. It may be that one is to take in that strength to guide one through the journey of life, or that one is to radiate it outward to become all that one can be. The core message remains that strength is important in many ways, and one ought to have that.

This is my message, from my heart, sent to you. And may it remain within you.

One year ago: Cosplay: Bunkasai 2019 -Tanabata Matsuri-, Day 1
Two years ago: Evolutionary Items and Their Limits
Three years ago: 3D, 2D, and Everything in Between

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