Thursday, June 4, 2020

Legendaries and "Pseudo-Legendaries"

Some species of Pokémon can resemble others that are classified as a certain group. I've already discussed one of these in the past and now would like to discuss another one. Legendary Pokémon are known to be a group of ultra-powerful Pokémon with highly capable stats and can even do unique things wherever they are concerned. However, some Pokémon can approximate their behaviors and characteristics, though they themselves aren't considered Legendary Pokémon proper. Among those in the know, they are called "pseudo-Legendaries".

Likewise, I've already mentioned this term on a couple of occasions, one of them two years ago in relation to a dream I had and another just yesterday for this month's SLA theme. As I've mentioned in the former post, one Pokémon commonly considered to be in this group of Pokémon is Tyranitar, an attractively strong Pokémon from the second generation. Others that are similarly grouped as such include Dragonite and Metagross. They are all strong and may hold their own against Legendary Pokémon despite not being considered as such. 

There are a few other things that tie these Pokémon together. They tend to be found on the latter end of their respective regional Pokédex, close to where the true Legendary Pokémon are found. The Pokémon also tend to be hard to find, particularly in regard to their basic evolutionary form, from which they are to be commonly evolved; for example, Dratini, the precursor to Dragonite, has to be gotten from the Safari Zone or Game Corner of yore, while a Trainer finds the sole Beldum to start out with by way of Steven Stone. From there, it takes much effort to get them to a supreme state rivaling that of Legendary Pokémon.

Yet, that supreme state is something coveted by many Trainers, who are still willing to put in the effort for that. It would allow to gain Pokémon power close to a Legendary Pokémon without the finicky qualities of the latter (very few to catch, no breeding, sometimes disallowed in tournaments, and so on). Fittingly, the second Charged Move cost for the pseudo-Legendary that would qualify for the Sorcerous theme (Metagross) is 75 thousand, forcing Trainers to look for alternatives due to its exclusion. The strength still comes at a price.

Legendary Pokémon are unique, strong, and recognizable in their own right. And yet so are some species of Pokémon that resemble their characteristics that are fittingly called pseudo-Legendary Pokémon. They are certainly attractive to any Trainer just as much as actual Legendary Pokémon in all respects and especially if they are actively sought out. They may not be in the same regard as actual Legendary Pokémon, but they are close enough even with the faux status that they bear.

One year ago: A Noble Mission
Three years ago: Ball Redesign?

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