Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Raid Dream

I've had dreams about all kinds of things related to Pokémon. I've had an anime dream, a cosplay dream, a merchandise dream, and even a dream that's somewhat cohesive of many elements. And now, last night I had a game dream. The game involved in the dream is Pokémon Go, which is something that is often discussed on this blog due to its many events. It also has lots of potential for interaction, and it would then be natural for it to lead to a dream.

In the dream, I was raiding Tyranitar with select groups of people. At first it was with some of my friends who weren't in my raid group, then it was with the fellows in my raid group; what was initially a few people raiding became tens of people raiding. The raid occurred twice in two Gyms that were set some distance apart from each other. There were some issues on the second raid, but then everyone including me were able to get past them. Overall, the raids produced mostly good results, but that was about all I could see, as with the prompt ending of the dream, I had to note about it so I could interpolate and post about it here.

Tyranitar is one of the more popular raid bosses outside of Level 5 Legendary bosses. In many Pokémon games, it's considered a "pseudo-Legend" - it has stats that measure up to a Legendary Pokémon, though it's not one. It's especially pronounced in Pokémon Go, so it has its followers there too in that game. Incidentally, I had previously raided Tyranitar just the day before, a few moments after the EX Raid had ended, with some of my raid fellows; I too ended up with good results. It may be this that was reflected in the dream, and it may also be an additional reflection of how I may need to be involved in more raids, as well as involve others that I know that (re)play the game.

As with any dream, this dream is a bit foretelling. The fact that it involves a Pokémon game  front and center is neat as well. I can only play the game in my dream as well as it would allow, but in actual play, I can stand to do just as great or even better, barring any other possibilities that might occur. On that note, I'm sure that I will be raiding Tyranitar at least once or twice more; whether or not this happens as in the dream is unknown, but if it does, it will be a great thing with all the interactions that occur.

One year ago: Too Much Information, Too Much Excitement?

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