Friday, November 2, 2018

Balance of Topics

The good thing about Pokémon is that these days, it's more than just games. It spans a wide variety of things that are just as diverse as the eponymous creatures themselves. As a Pokémon blogger, it means that I can write about different things each time. That said, there's a certain balance of topics that either occur naturally or I try to keep on this blog. It's partially a given, considering what is involved with Pokémon and what I actually do with it.

No matter what, Pokémon games are mainstays among its fans, and they naturally make up the bulk of my posts on this blog too. As of this post, posts that I've tagged with "Game" number to 230, more than any topic on this blog that is directly linked to Pokémon itself. Part of getting into Pokémon is of course playing their games, and it's something that I do as well - from the very beginning, in fact. With more and more games released (and more that I haven't played), in addition to updates for those games, it's something that I'll continue to do, and they may certainly be discussed on certain posts on this blog.

And yet, I feel that I shouldn't let certain topics go out of hand for a short time, so I try not to discuss many similar topics within a short period of time. Notably, since I happen to play Pokémon Go a lot these days, it's something that I want to stagger in my discussions, lest this blog be considered a "Go blog" when it's much more than that. Exceptions occur, of course, such as the "Go week" that occurred last month, and a certain week in April of last year about songs that remind me of Pokémon though they aren't linked to it. There's a certain balance that I seek in discussing many different topics and not making certain topics too prominent.

Even with all the topics that I discuss, one thing remains prominent: this blog has a more personal nature. As of and including this post, there are 307 posts tagged with "Musings", nearly half of what I've written to this day. Much of this blog, after all, is about me and my personal interactions with Pokémon; it's something that sets this blog apart. Sure, there are discussions on certain Pokémon happenings, but they're also framed with my personal views. This is also why there's quite a bit of discussions about things that don't seem to be related to Pokémon, but in my book actually are in some ways. Still, I try to strike a balance between these and actual Pokémon happenings.

Given everything that is discussed on this blog, there are many things to be balanced. There is game vs. everything else, specific things vs. different things, and personal vs. general. The commonality of all of these regarding this blog and me is of course Pokémon, and that's something that will be maintained for as long as I have this blog. And with all the developments going into Pokémon, I'm sure that I'll always have something to discuss, against other things that deserve the same.

One year ago: Kids (...or Trainers, Fans) These Days

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