Saturday, November 10, 2018

Pokémon Go Community Day, 11/10/2018

Well, the Community Day for this month came rather quickly. Of course, that may be because the "previous" Community Day is actually a repeat of the one from the previous week, and the fact that this is still early in the month. Each Community Day is still a thing of its own, including the one that happened today. And today's thing is the usual menagerie of excitement and problems.

Two months ago, the Community Day featured the Grass Pokémon Chikorita, as the first of the second-generation starter Pokémon. Predictably, this month, the turn passes to the Fire Pokémon Cyndaquil. That means the special move of Blast Burn became available for its final evolution, Typhlosion. The other unique bonus is increased Stardust for each capture, which means this becomes lucrative for those seeking large amounts of this. The Shiny forms and extended Lure Modules go without mention, of course, as was what I did today, following most of my workflow.

Before getting to the excitement part, it's time for the problems part. A few moments after the start of today's Community Day, everything ground to a halt as no one could capture the Cyndaquil that newly appeared, which is the key point of Community Day. This happened for pretty much everyone in my raid group and others in different areas as well, and this was quite severe. This incident lasted for about an hour, after which things more or less normalized, but then the damage had been done; some players, including my raid fellows, had used a Star Piece, Lucky Egg, or both to deal with the event and other happenings, and the incident nullified that. The incident was acknowledged, however, and Community Day was officially extended, thus using the old solution, for two hours after the time it was supposed to end, including the window for the special move.

For the excitement part, this one is quite neat. Prior to Community Day, I only had caught a handful of Cyndaquil, and none of them have really good stats. After Community Day, I have a few more Cyndaquil with higher CP and better stats, after having cherry-picked my way through the ones with not very good stats and low CP; I evolved the strongest one in terms of both CP and stats, plus the second-best during the extension. As always, I also evolved one of the Shiny forms that I got, using the same criteria. Speaking of Shiny forms, I caught six of them this time, which is a good turnout, considering others have either more or less. I'm thinking of trading away a few of them to others who may be interested.

It does seem like Community Day may not be much different from month to month due to their mix of good results and bad issues, as it was today. But then again, each Community Day has different Pokémon, different bonuses, different problems, and different circumstances if the occasion permits. That's certainly also the case today, and it will likely be the same for the next month. Whenever it comes, I and the other players will have to be on our toes once again to deal with everything, including the Pokémon.

One year ago: Mission Cards in Shuffle

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