Saturday, September 22, 2018

Pokémon Go Community Day, 9/22/2018

Speaking of Community Day from my previous post, today just happens to be this month's edition of this popular event. It perfectly caps off a "Pokémon Go week", which I first mentioned last Wednesday. It wasn't my intention to discuss things about Go over the past few days, but it just happened to be something convenient about Pokémon that I could discuss. And as it so happened that today is Community Day, everything just seems to fall into place.

For this Community Day, the featured Pokémon is Chikorita, which means the featured Pokémon has begun to creep into the second-generation starters. As always, there are its Shiny form as well as that of its evolved forms, extended Lure Modules, and the special move. Because Chikorita is a starter Pokémon like Bulbasaur, its special move is the same as the latter's Community Day: Frenzy Plant. It's not hard to see that this will be the case with starter Pokémon going forward.

Unlike Bulbasaur, which I mostly caught by sitting in an area with several surrounding PokéStops with Lure Modules installed, I really went out and about to catch as many Chikorita as possible, as well as to complete the "catch-3" Field Research tasks, which have been the norm since April's Community Day. I have to say that these tasks are really an incentive to move around rather than to sit in one place, and that's a good thing. I still did stay in one area occasionally to capture as many as possible from that area before moving on to another to grab a new set of tasks.

The weather also supported the event; it was bright and sunny outside, and it was Sunny in the game as well, which meant that the Chikorita I caught were boosted. I caught five Shiny forms today, and this wasn't too bad, considering some caught about the same while a few others caught more. I captured many Chikorita and eventually had a sizable Meganium army with Frenzy Plant. I also owe thanks to everyone who strewed around Lure Modules in my area, allowing everyone to enjoy the event affordably and cheaply; I pitched in a couple of my own, and I hope that those also helped others too.

This was a surprisingly pleasant Community Day, and I achieved all the things I wanted or needed to achieve. It speaks to the staying power of Pokémon Go; it is rightfully a part of everything Pokémon, just as everything else is. On that note, I'm proud to say that I don't just discuss about it, but I play it as well. It's a great thing for me, this blog, and Pokémon in general.

One year ago: Riot of Pokémon Color

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