Friday, September 7, 2018

Artistic Routine

As I've explained in my previous post about my new New 3DS, my old 3DS remains somewhat workable and capable of playing certain games. In fact, that was what I immediately tried, by playing my copy of Pokémon Art Academy on it, which is something that I haven't touched in a long time. However, it felt like I was immediately thrust into the unknown, having departed mid-way through a particular set of lessons. I've come to the conclusion that the game (which isn't really one) needs a more routine approach - an "artistic routine", at that.

I've already explained a bit about Art Academy in a different post early on this blog, and it really is true: it's really an interactive art book. The lessons cover topics that aren't too shabby as well, like shading and outlining, things that are vital for advanced abilities in art. To complement the execution of these topics, what could be likened to an advanced painting or illustration program is included, with exactly the same capabilities: pens, brushes, and pencils that can draw in many different colors, as well as support for layers. Sure, the implementation is rudimentary, but this is quite sophisticated for a console.

Thus like for any real set of lessons, Art Academy has to be followed in a routine manner. Since the lessons stack up on each other and require know-how from earlier lessons, they have to be remembered well so that they may be applied later on. Such a routine approach would also help to build up familiarity with the paint program aspect. Personally, I could be said to have "lost touch" with both, and now I have to regain what I lost so that I can acceptably progress through it, even all the way through everything.

Will I continue to try to progress through Art Academy? Yes - but not at the present, considering the above. I have other pressing concerns (including Pokémon ones) to worry about, precluding anything that might amount to an "artistic routine". Now is not quite the right time for artistic concerns, but rest assured, when the time for artistic concerns is at hand, I will be glad to dive into the melange of Pokémon artistry that is part of Art Academy once again.

One year ago: Pokémon Song, Indonesian Flavor

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