Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A Happy Return

It just so happens that one year to this date, I officially re-started my adventures in playing Pokémon Go (see below). It was brought about by the impetus of buying a new smartphone after the current one I used back then failed miserably. Things change and smartphones change, so it was a good time to buy a new phone so that I could do more stuff with it, which includes playing Go, something that is fortunate for me as a Pokémon fan.

Of course, Go changed as well, prior to and after that, with all the additions that I've discussed on different posts on this blog. It would be no surprise, then, to see that the appearance of the game has changed over the course of the year that I began replaying it. For that, I have the pictures that show the game as it runs on my current phone from last year and this year that can be used for comparison.

Here's how it looked like one year ago:

And here's how it looks now:

I took the new picture with my old, old phone again for the sake of comparison equality. Many differences are immediately apparent: I'm 27 levels higher, changed clothing, have a Buddy Pokémon with me, and have claimed a team (by the color of the experience progress bar). Feature-wise, there are the weather system with immediate effects and the Research icon. One thing that may not be so apparent is the change in the map, which is due to the game changing the source of the map. All of these changes only serve to my benefit as well as to others' benefit.

I'd say I'm a happy camper, and this is one happy return. Since then I've progressed significantly in the game, made a batch of new friends, and in a way contributed to the local success of the game. This is more than I've ever hoped for since I re-started playing and even when I first started to play eons ago. For a Pokémon fan in general, this success is particularly worthwhile.

Pokémon Go is a great game, and the fact that I am able to return and continue playing it shows how great this game is. But what is more important is how everything that has happened has instilled happiness in myself as a player and a loyal fan of Pokémon. Other fans who play might say the same as well. Certainly we'd expect this to continue as we make further progress and the game changes to suit.

One year ago: Here I Go (Again)

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