Sunday, September 9, 2018

Cosplay: Tachiagare


Well, my friend likes to find out new things - and new events too! So when he saw this new theme event, we knew we had to get in. This event promised everything that's usually in an event, like entertainment, competitions, goodies, food, and communities. There were a few of them, but not too many. I guess it's OK.

The people seem to have planned out the event well, even though not many people came, not like last week. Some things were unexpected, like wind at the front entrance and people and things not being ready in time, but everything was OK for a new theme event. But then again, it seemed there were lots of idol group things...

Pikachu: Pika pi! Pika chu? [wondering]

I'm not really an idol, Pikachu, but thanks to my friend, I'm kind of like that where my friend is. I'm a little flattered.

Of course, I wouldn't be here if my friend sent me as a character. If last week I was sent with my special Kanto journey outfit (which I forgot to mention), this time I just came with my regular Kanto outfit. Ever since the beginning, my friend always wanted to send me with this one, but he was only able to later on - there's a story about it. So it's special for him, and of course it's special for me too.

There's another reason why things are special today: I was a judge for the character parade! That's right - for the first time ever, I looked at my character friends to see how good they can perform. I've always been part of the parade to perform, but not to check out what they can do and how good they can do it. And this time, I am! I'm honored. Don't worry - my friend gave me some hints of what to look for, and of course I've seen some of them before, so that helps.

I wasn't the only judge, of course. Two other character friends - one from an idol group - also judged, and after looking at everyone, we decided on the three winners. Everyone was great, but we still had to choose. So congratulations to the ones that won - they were the ones we think were really great.

Pikachu: Pikachu! [cheering]

Yeah, that's the spirit. My friend tells me the title of the event means "stand up". I stood up and did well today, and I think if the people can get it together, they might just stand up and make a better one next time. I can't wait!


One year ago: My Book of Days

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