Sunday, September 2, 2018

Cosplay: Utsuru! -the fifth-


On my journey, I make lots of friends. The same goes for my friend, who also makes a lot of friends on his own journey. Today his friends all gather in a convention to celebrate being together, and my friend also sends me here. If last year this convention was a bit late in the year, this year it's a bit early. My friend and I still like it though, whenever it's held. Since everyone's here, we of course have to come.

And this year, it's really crowded! Maybe even more so than last year, which was crowded too. It looks like everyone that plays games, interested in music, and likes different things really came to get together with the others. The food and show are the usual, but they're good too. What's nice is that I and many of the characters I know are here, and we're all getting along with the people that like us.

Oh yeah, there was a character parade also. My friend wanted to make sure that I was in it, and I'm glad there was a way to get in. It was to our surprise and relief that everything was done on the spot. Of course, the character parade is just as crowded as the convention, and I was one of the 50 characters and more in the parade. There were five prizes for four of the best characters and one for the most favorite character, and...


Pikachu: Pi pika chu!! [elated]

Everyone else was great too, so they need respect as well. I need to give thanks to them.

I gotta say that like last year, it's always great to meet the characters I don't often meet where my friend is around most of the time. My friend too likes to see his friends and meet with them. This convention is always all about friendship, and that's a great thing for both of us. We're glad we didn't miss almost all of it.

Today was a great day, and the fifth time for this convention was a blast. I think there may be greater things ahead for my friend and myself. I'm still going to do the best I can anyhow. I can't wait to see how things turn out next time!


One year ago: Bandai Pokémon XY&Z Pokémon Lover Mascot - Squirtle

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