Sunday, December 10, 2017

Cosplay: Utsuru F!

What would the letter F in the title of this convention that I went to today stand for? Would it stand for "food", "fair", or "festival", of which all are appropriate descriptors for it? That's more of a personal interpretation that is of your choosing. What I can tell you is that "F" almost definitely stands for something else, and that is "four", as this is the fourth time it is held.

I say that it is a convention, because that is what it really is: a gathering of in-town Japanese communities. Based on past occurrences, the event is usually held one or two months prior to today, but this year it seems it is held later than usual. Regardless, it is Japanese-themed, so cosplay is and has always been welcome in all its forms. And that works out to my benefit.

Today, I chose to cosplay seventh-generation Ash again, a repeat from three weeks prior. It was warmly received, so I thought I would wear it once more. Further, since the event had a cosplay walk or parade, I chose to take part, which means this was the first time I took this costume into a competition. I love the opportunity that this affords, but then again so did the other 40+ cosplayers that took part. That meant a low chance of winning with only five winners selected, and in fact, I didn't. Ah well - there'll be other times.

Of course, there were even more than 40 cosplayers around, and many times that number of visitors, so this made for one crowded convention, what with everyone and everything packed into an area of only a few hundred square meters. It too was noisy, because many community exhibitors brought in amplifiers for their sound media, not to mention there was the entertainment from the stage. Additionally, it was the very same venue that played host to a certain other event or convention earlier this year, without the weather problems. It was pleasurable nonetheless, aside from these issues.

As always, the better part of my day was spent meeting up with friends, whether they're the ones I frequently meet, less frequently meet, or only meet when I go to out-of-town events. Yes, that means for the last one, they've come to my in-town event, and this becomes their out-of-town event. In a way, it's almost like them "returning the favor". Thank you for that, and thank you to everyone for making this event a lively one.

All the communities, the food stands, and the entertainment make this convention a unique experience. It also emphasizes camaraderie, which is totally the point of this event. That being said, I can specify something else that "F" stands for, which is "fun". That is exactly what I and the many other visitors had today.

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