Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Cosplay: Club Cosplay Party


Hi guys. I know it's unusual even for my friend to post about two theme events within a few days, especially one that happens closer to the middle of the week, but that's what happened. This one was held last night - actually, even up until early this morning - and it really was a real party inside a real club. I'm not the only one that came - many of my character friends also came for a piece of the action.

My friend and I had been a bit unsure of whether I should come or not, but after thinking about it, we decided that he should send me to come. It's a good way to get out there, even if the setting is a bit dark and shady. Plus there was a parade too, and the long list of prizes look really good, so that's what we did. We went all out and signed up, and all I had to do next was to come and enjoy. Oh yeah, I came with my Hoenn costume - it was a good one for it.

I say it's a real party, and it is. There was music, food, drinks, and lots of people. Oh, and then there was me and my other character friends! Many of us signed up not just for the party but the parade too. At least it started out that way - we were supposed to come on the stage one at a time, and we did, but later on into the night, or morning I should say, every character just went up on stage and danced to the beat.

Pikachu: Pika pika chuu!! [grooving]

You too, Pikachu. I think you liked the music more than I did - but everyone does, and I do too. There was supposed to be 70 of us, but I don't know, I think many of the others couldn't make it. There wouldn't have been room for all of us anyway. The place was so small and the people were so many. I still wonder how some of my character friends who had big things to bring fitted into the small space.

At the end of the night, things weren't so bad. Remember that long list of prizes? I got one, for the seventh runner-up. It's not anything big, but it should count for me and my friend. A good number of the characters that came got prizes, and that has to be a good thing. It's at least rewarding for spending the night into the morning. I'm not sure if I want to do this again, but maybe I'll think about it for next time.

And now I need some rest. There's a lot that Pokémon Trainers have to do, you know. Of course, there'll be other theme events and so on. My friend and I have to be on our toes to keep up. 😉


One year ago: Pokkén BanaPassports

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