Sunday, March 25, 2018

Pokémon Go Community Day, 3/25/2018

The last part of what makes this a Pokémon Go weekend is this month's edition of Community Day, which for the first time is held on a Sunday instead of a Saturday. The intent is probably to get a few more participants into the Community Day, and by holding it on a Sunday, this is almost a sure thing. At the least this appeals to many in my raid group as well, especially one day after an Ex-Raid.

This month's Community Day features one of the very first starters, Bulbasaur. As with the Dratini Community Day last month, Bulbasaur predominates encounters and becomes available in a Shiny form, and its final evolutionary form Venusaur knows an exclusive Charged move only available during the three-hour window of the Community Day, which in today's case is Frenzy Plant. Special bonuses are also abound for those who participate, of course.

Unlike last month, this time it was conclusively determined where most of my raid group was supposed to meet, though a few did group together somewhere else for convenience. This time, however, there was a connection issue on my end (or rather, my provider's end), but a senior in my raid group was willing to facilitate a working connection, and so I was saved - for that, I owe a big thanks. Rain was still a problem with Community Day, as with the previous two editions, but thankfully, this time there was a covered area available where play could continue, and still effectively at that. And though the area we met only had three PokéStops, it was still effective for us to take part in. Most importantly, the event was not as glitched up as the previous one.

I should say that the choice of Bulbasaur for this Community Day was both opportune and odd; the reason is that in my locale, Bulbasaur tend to appear often, even before the Community Day. To that end, I already had possessed a few Bulbasaur and even a couple of Ivysaur and one Venusaur from all my previous catches, and further, even after the event ended, I still managed to chance upon at least one Bulbasaur; even so, this Community Day was not to be missed for all the other reasons. Speaking of Pokémon, for this Community Day, I and the others took part in an area known to be a place where Aron often appear, so it felt like a Bulbasaur/Aron Community Day. However, I did not capture Shiny Aron, while I captured four Shiny Bulbasaur, also managing to evolve one plus three regular ones into Venusaur. It was doubly successful in that regard.

I'm always looking for new Pokémon experiences, and this Community Day delivers on that, as was the case with the previous edition. As well, I got to meet friends and do Pokémon stuff, and that's a good thing for a big fan like me. I and my raid group members are already speculating on the next Community Day as to what will be offered and when; whatever happens, if we participate, I'm sure we won't be disappointed.

One year ago: "Grow Old Along with Me..."

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