Friday, March 16, 2018

Our Glory of Love

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We'll live forever, knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love
-- "Glory of Love", Peter Cetera

Since I've started this blog and covered my adventures in Pokémon cosplay, I haven't had the chance to win something, or at least something really major, as I did indeed win something last year, although the prize was minor notwithstanding the achievement. It's a bit frustrating, but then at the same time I want to try again and hope for better results. This circumstance as it happened on Sunday led me to think of this song and even to hear it.

Yes, I know this song happens to be part of the soundtrack of a movie only distantly related to Pokémon. But at the same time, it made me realize that I love what I do (cosplay) and love the characters that I work with (Pokémon cosplay). Many of them have and can be described as "heroes" and I rightfully agree; their efforts to become great, like training Pokémon, journeying through the world, and keeping evil away, is nothing short of heroic (and passionate, thus realizing the fourth line of the chorus). I can't help but think of these when I cosplay, and in fact I think this only strengthens the effort. So the second line of the chorus as above could be considered to be realized with this effort, even more as to make it real and not just a dream.

And then, this song could be thought of as aspirations of the characters. They fight, but they do it alongside the ones most closely associated with them, including their Pokémon. It can in some ways be considered to be associated with love, whether romantic or otherwise. It's a bit of a stretch, but at least if they're not aligned with evil, it would be noble (and therefore, glorious) as well. Everything that happens, as mentioned in the rest of the song, is all a part of that noble love. For a lack of description...

You know, this love and glory thing makes sense. I love the thrill of being on the battlefield, and I know that with the bond I have with my Pokémon, we can achieve things like we never have. I also can't forget about the bonds with my friends - they're the ones that help me to my success, even if they're on the other side of the battlefield. As for the events, I know we'll get something big someday. When that happens, I know it will be our glory, based on love.

Well, there you go. We do it, and this is our glory of love.

One year ago: Multilingual Pokémon

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