Saturday, March 24, 2018

(Again a) Local Ex-Raid, 3/24/2018

OK, so one of the things that makes this weekend a Pokémon Go weekend is an Ex-Raid scheduled for today. I received the invitation last week, along with a great deal of my raid group members, by way of an opportune Rayquaza raid two days before it went away. I've missed a couple of the previous ones because of other hassles, so I welcome the opportunity.

What makes this one special is that along with the previous one two weeks ago, there were a lot of participants on record for the Ex-Raid, nearly 100 in all, which necessitated division into several groups. Evidently, coordination is a plus in this effort, whether before or during. One sad thing is that some participants who were able to be present last time couldn't, so this also required others to take care of those who couldn't be present. On one hand this is regrettable, but on the other hand they deserve it also. Everyone deserves thanks for all their efforts regardless.

Also regrettable is that this is the first time I've failed to catch Mewtwo. Despite a nearly flawless battle thanks to coordination, I just couldn't manage to keep Mewtwo in a Premier Ball. Evidently, it seemed that quite a few of the others were also unable to catch Mewtwo, more than usual, although this might also be related to number of participants. I had already said in the previous Ex-Raid that I participated in that this might be something to accept as it could occur to anyone, and now it has happened to me. Sigh. I did make up for it in a way by capturing two Lugia, one before (strangely) and after the Ex-Raid.

Although not necessary, I decided to cosplay today as part of a promise and as a bit of an icebreaker after something that happened earlier this month. I decided to resurrect a costume that I haven't worn in two and a half years, and that would be Red's updated costume. It also serves as a "cosplay test" before the next real cosplay event. I think it worked well this time around.

Guess where I am? 😉

In fact, he has something to say:

Thanks for letting me have an opportunity to catch Mewtwo, with some comrades of course. It didn't work out for me though, but Mewtwo told me that if I am determined, I will be able to see it again for another chance to capture it. I'm sure I will be able to capture it next time - count on it. I know you'll help me, won't you?

Sure. And there seems to be an important point here: camaraderie is important, especially in something as majorly shared as this Ex-Raid. It's something to be kept in mind on the eaves of the next one, which I would be only too happy to take part in and make it succeed. 

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