Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Local EX Raid (vs. Rain), 11/7/2018

It seems inevitable that any raid, including EX Raids, may become subject to weather conditions. It has happened once, nine months ago, and it has happened once again today. Today's EX Raid, certainly still for Deoxys, was quite affected by the weather to the point that it was almost impossible to continue, but luckily, things somehow worked out for most players that were able to make it.

The exact schedule for today's EX Raid was 3:30 PM. At around 1 PM, it rained quite hard, which led some of those who received the pass for today to question whether the EX Raid would proceed as intended. One hour later, the rain stopped and everyone seemed in the clear to come; I intended to complete a couple of errands first on the way. At around 3 PM, the rain started up again, just as hard or perhaps even harder than before. This led to most players again having trouble to get to the location, including me. As well, I ended up wet, even with an umbrella in tow.

When I got to the location of the EX Raid, I was late from its start by 10 minutes, but just barely on time for my scheduled battle flight... or would have been. Those who had come bypassed the battle flights and went all in, messing up the schedule. Fortunately, there were others who were delayed in coming but could still come nonetheless, so everyone that came should have been able to participate, including one of my Ultra Friend fellows, whom I invited using the new invitation feature for EX Raids. That's at least a good thing, as is the Deoxys caught, which is of a high CP.

The actual EX Raid Gym is across the street.
It is still nicely reachable (and covered) from across.

What isn't so good is the ones who weren't able to come, which included the player who planned out our supposed battle flights. It becomes apparent that in situations such as these, alternate coordination may become necessary. Since Deoxys is much easier than Mewtwo in terms of raids, it may be better to schedule flights of no more than 10 players, preferably with a mix of high-level and low-level players. And if things get out of hand with rain like this one, then close contact may be necessary.

Even with the rain, many players including myself did brave the rain for the brief opportunity to encounter, battle, and catch Deoxys. That's quite the tenacity that is possessed by them. Of course, great coordination might also help that tenacity to be realized as the effort for the EX Raid. This particular one is rather enlightening of that fact. It is something to be considered as EX Raids in my locale face the threat of downpours.

One year ago: Closer and Farther PokéStops

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