Thursday, February 8, 2018

(It's a Wonderful) Local Ex-Raid, 2/8/2018

Did I mention that I received another Ex-Raid invitation for today? Well, I should have, because that's exactly what transpired. I received the Ex-Raid invite and pass the same exact way as I received ones for the previous Ex-Raid, by a successful raid at a coordinated place, which was the same exact one, no less. I'm informed that this method for Ex-Raids may not necessarily work again with recent updates to the game, but I'm at least pleased that it worked one more time.

Unlike the previous Ex-Raid, and more like the one before it, the current Ex-Raid was scheduled in the afternoon rather than in the morning. In fact, the situation this afternoon was almost exactly like that time; not many attended, or rather were able to attend - although invites were sent to at least 30 members - and the rain didn't help matters much, forcing some members to count on some the ones that were able to come for a bit of assistance. Still, it was a fairly good turnout.

As before, our combined efforts were able to drop Mewtwo, and this led us to the bonus challenge of catching it. This challenge went nearly flawlessly for most everyone, though some couldn't quite get through it to catch Mewtwo, something that also happened in the previous Ex-Raid. It might be something that has to be accepted for any raid, including the Ex-Raid. I was lucky and thrilled that the challenge went well and that I caught my second Mewtwo, being a part of the successful side of things.

The ones who braved the rain. (I'm second from right.)

After a slight regroup, we decided to pursue two tier 5 raids just slightly uptown, and they of course involved Kyogre. Someone suggested that a weather boost might occur to benefit the captured Kyogre, but alas, this didn't occur. The Kyogre raids did occur, though, and surprisingly, they also went well - I caught both of them! Yet on the first one, there was panic when the game froze on my phone at the end of the raid, forcing me to close and restart. However, as soon as I went back in, I was immediately presented with the bonus challenge after the successful battle, and the rest proceeded as normal. I'm quite thankful that it did.

All in all, I was 3 for 3 today: the Ex-Raid and two Kyogre. I've never been this successful in raids, let alone a series of them in one day! Once again, I can't thank my local raid group enough for the camaraderie and coordination, something that is quite necessary for these raids to occur and be successful. Now we'll just have to see where and how far the latest updates in the game will take us for raids in the future. Perhaps it may be just as wonderful as today.

One year ago: Serena-Shipping: "Heaven Help My Heart"

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