Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Serena-Shipping: "Heaven Help My Heart"

Maybe it's best to love a stranger...
Well, that's what I've done - heaven help my heart.
-- "Heaven Help My Heart", from Chess (originally sung by Elaine Paige)

In many fandoms, there is a tendency for a phenomenon called "relationshipping", or "shipping" for short, to occur for a prominent male character and another prominent female character. The phenomenon occurs when both characters become inextricably linked for fans such that they are, for practical purposes, considered a couple. During the XY series of the Pokémon anime, this phenomenon occurred with Ash and Serena. By all accounts, this is one of, if not the most intense instances of this phenomenon for the Pokémon anime. And even though the XY series has ended, some people still continue to "ship" Ash and Serena as a lovely couple.

While I don't subscribe to "shipping" myself, I find it an interesting phenomenon among fans. If that is what they imagine, then let them imagine as such; I too have some imaginations of my own as a kind of quid pro quo, though they are not necessarily "shipping". So for those who still "ship" Ash and Serena, I've got something for you from the emotional side. A song from the concept album later-turned-musical Chess is something that encapsulates how Serena might feel at this very moment now that Ash has left; the song is titled "Heaven Help My Heart". This song is sung by who would be the love interest of the main male character in the musical, and it describes her captivation for a stranger; in the context of the XY series, Ash would be the stranger from outside of Kalos while Serena would be the native of Kalos.

There you go, Ash-Serena "shippers" - I've given you fodder for your imagination with this song. I think it's quite an appropriate song given the state of their relationship. May the fervor of your "shipping" imagination remain as strong as ever.

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