Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Local Ex-Raid (and More), 1/24/2018

This is it - today is the day of the scheduled Ex-Raid in my area. All the preparations that we have made over the course of the past two weeks or so have come down to this. There was of course the previous Ex-Raid, indicated efforts that may help to summon the next Ex-Raid - which I participated in, and the invitation that I received not long afterwards. After that, it was simply a matter of preparing an arsenal of Pokémon for the Ex-Raid and to come to the location at the given time for it.

And that is what I and my fellow raid group members did. After a week of determining who got the invitations, checking who could actually come and who needed help, and preparing the arsenal and other necessary things, we gathered near the specified time at the location for the Ex-Raid. Then, at precisely the specified time, the egg that contained the Ex-Raid boss hatched, and the Ex-Raid officially began. After a slight bit of coordination, we entered the Ex-Raid with full force.

The Ex-Raid proceeded swiftly and smoothly, thanks to the arsenal of Pokémon that the veteran raid Trainers furnished. Mewtwo, the raid boss, succumbed to all our combined efforts, and that left the bonus challenge of catching Mewtwo. Amazingly, my capture proceeded spectacularly and dramatically; with a little assistance and just one throw of the Premier Ball, Mewtwo was within my possession. A couple of others had the same experience, while it took several throws for others to succeed, and a few also bombed. But when all was said and done, we had a great experience with the Ex-Raid.

An excellent group. (I'm third from left.)

With this Ex-Raid, I have in a way realized a situation that was depicted back when the very first trailer for Pokémon Go came out, which was a congregation of people attempting (and succeeding) to capture Mewtwo. It was a situation that I considered fantastic and almost unreal, but with Pokémon Go today, this situation is very much tangible and real. I caught a Mewtwo, and I did it through a journey in my real world, assisted with technology and a band of comrades.

My First Mewtwo™

After the Ex-Raid, the day proceeded much like the situation after the previous Ex-Raid; it was followed by a couple more regular raids. The primary target was Kyogre, which was boosted by the weather. On the first raid, the Kyogre catching attempt fizzled, but on the second, the attempt succeeded. It was a good cap to the Ex-Raid and a great start for my business in the rest of the day.

Today was an excellent day for raids and especially the Ex-Raid. We couldn't have done this without a coordinated effort. For that, I offer the Japanese phrase my fellow Japanese fans use to thank each other after a good day at an event: otsukaresama deshita ("thank you for your hard work"). All our work really was good work, and we deserve to be proud of it. So thank you again, and may we continue all our raid efforts - perhaps to result in another Ex-Raid!

One year ago: Electricity: Harness, Don't Exploit

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