Saturday, January 20, 2018

Cosplay: AsiA Cosplay Competition 2018, Day 1

OK, for this year I'd like to do something a little different with my cosplay event or convention reviews. Part of cosplay is being able to portray a character, so I thought it would be nice to let the character do the reviewing this time around, and do the portraying in writing. That's how things will be for this year. And I happen to have just summoned him, so... take it away.


Thanks! Hi everyone. So I was asked to come again by my friend here to this event. It's actually a bit like a mini-convention, but I'd say it's a full event. I had come last year with the Lucario Prince outfit one day and then my Kanto-Johto outfit the next. It was so much fun that I was happy to be asked to come again. I knew I had to do something special this year, and this year, I had just that.

You remember how things didn't quite work out for me when I started my journey, right? Well, I thought the last part of when that happened was something neat that I could present on stage, and so I did. I signed up for a single performance and presented that part as best as I can. And that means I wore my Kanto-Johto outfit again. Well, that's not a bad thing, I guess.

Pikachu: Pika! [happy]

Oh yeah, you too, Pikachu. I know you didn't move as well as you could, but I think we did fine. It was a bit sudden, but we still did fine. Our friends in the parade and single performance also did fine as well. But we'll have to wait a day to hear about the results, because this event lasts for two days, and on Day 2, that's when they'll be announced. I'm kind of eager to hear myself.

Pikachu: Pikachu. [dejected]

Don't be too sad. I was rewarded for just going around and checking things out. And at least the food and goodies market had quite a bit of things to sell, even though it was kind of small. Oh yeah, and this is a Saturday, so there weren't too many people. Sunday is when things will really get crowded. Seems like it will be even more fun then. By the way, the place where the event is held seems familiar - oh, right! I've been here a few times in the past. That was fun too.

I had a fun day, even though things were somewhat different this year. Everything was still neat and enjoyable, though - perhaps even more than last year. I'll be sure to come back on Day 2 and join in the fun!


Well, there you go. See you on Day 2.

One year ago: All in the Cards

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