Monday, January 1, 2018

Hoppip New Year 2018

Hoppip New Year! Every new year is certainly a new adventure for any fan of Pokémon. It's a moment where the previous year's adventure is (or has been) commemorated and new situations kick off the year's adventure. Those situations also bring about changes in experience, which are most likely different than the previous year, yet are still something to be had. Such is also the case with Pokémon.

As I've said in my end-of-the-year post yesterday, I've only blogged for a year, and even one year is not enough to capture all Pokémon experiences. There are and always will be things I haven't tried and new things to come, including games and what I do in them. For example, I really need to get going on my Ultra Moon game if I really want a team going, ready for whatever tournament may come up. There is currently not one scheduled soon, not even one by my local group, but things can and will change, so I have to be prepared for that.

Speaking of the titular Pokémon of the day, before my return to Go last year, the second-generation Pokémon had made their way in, and one of them just happens to be that Pokémon. I've not been very fortunate in encountering the Pokémon, however, and I've only encountered a grand total of one. I'll have to go on more Go excursions if I want to have a greater chance of catching Hoppip and possibly getting the Pokémon to evolve.

I'm certainly ready to go on new adventures and to have new experiences with Pokémon this year, so bring it on. Of course, it is worthwhile to keep in mind old adventures and experiences, so starting with this post, I'll also be noting what happened on the day in the previous year. It's a great way to bring the old and the new together, especially with what I do with Pokémon.

One year ago: First Post Time!

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