Sunday, December 31, 2017

One Year Full of Pokémon

I made it. With this post, I have posted in this blog every single day over the past year on various Pokémon experiences and things that have filled my days, as well as my thoughts on them. I had titled this blog "Not a Day Without Pokémon", which implies (and in a way promises) that I'd have some Pokémon experience each day, and true to the title of this blog, I have provided those experiences each day, fulfilling it as a promise.

All my experiences have involved Pokémon in a wide range of forms. There were of course the Pokémon games, where arguably everything starts, from the pleasant experiences to the not-so-pleasant ones. When not playing the games, there was the anime to watch, as both episodes and even a phenomenal feature film. Pokémon merchandise appeared in various guises, from official to indie; it was also possible to realize Pokémon creations in other forms like a wallpaper and even parodies. Events and conventions, and my cosplaying in them, also provided another outlet for Pokémon expression, both major and minor. All of these are complemented by my thoughts, imaginations, and even notes on the odd things and special things that involve Pokémon.

Pokémon has clearly pervaded many aspects of life, including my life in particular. This pervasiveness does not decrease my attraction for it; instead, I'm gladdened that it's in many places and this further increases my attraction. With all the places that Pokémon is present in, it seems that it may take a big heart for a Pokémon fan to appreciate all of that. If all my posts this year are an indication, then it does appear that I have such a big heart. And although I have said repeatedly that I'm not a perfect fan, that doesn't mean my heart is any smaller. It just means I have to take a greater effort to open up to Pokémon presence in the wider world.

The posts I have made this year reflect my wide world with Pokémon. Of course, it does not stop there. Pokémon continues to grow and expand, and so does my world. It is guaranteed that there will be more Pokémon experiences and things in the next year, and possibly greater chances for me to partake in them. I will certainly continue to update this blog with those experiences and things so that you can partake and revel in them too. It's my way of sharing my world with you. Who knows - there may just be the greatest experiences to behold in the next year, perhaps just as great as Ash's dream to become a Pokémon Master.

I would like to say thank you to all readers of this blog, whether they have been with me since the start of this year, as well as those reading just now. Here's to all the Pokémon experiences in this year and the next. Cheers! 😀

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