Sunday, January 7, 2018

Rethinking Salt

As one of the Four Notions which I have previously outlined, being "salty" is having a feeling of annoyance or envy toward what has happened. This applies in and to various fandoms, including Pokémon. Every now and then one of my Pokémon fellows comes up with something that makes someone else salty, even me; it's a bad feeling, in a way. However, with certain information I have received, I have begun to reconsider this feeling - perhaps it might not be so bad at all in certain circumstances.

In a social media post, something that a Pokémon fellow of mine (who incidentally is the same one that I wrote about just a month ago) considers salty is the showing off of Shiny Pokémon. Based on the earlier discussion, I don't feel as salty about this one due to its rarity and merits. However, this was then followed by a showing off of Pokémon art. This one I am a little salty about since I cannot really draw to save my life (at least not at this point), but with the "gratitude" post, I am reminded to be thankful that I can still appreciate it. So maybe this is a good thing: I need to feel salty to then be thankful.

Most people who are guided by the Four Notions assume that salt is a bad thing. But in a different philosophy and perception, salt is a good thing. It is something that complements all the other flavors of the world. In that sense, my flavor is Pokémon, and by being a little salty about it, I get to appreciate it a bit more. What may be perceived as "salty" may actually be not so salty at all.

The reconsideration is thus: salt is necessary, as it brings out the good things in life. And Pokémon is a good thing for me, so it is OK to feel salty about what others do with it, so long as I remain appreciative, and I still am. It's almost tantamount to chaos, and as a particular quote can attest, it is necessary too:

"But remember, a little bit of chaos is a necessary part of life, and chaos will always find a way..."

Bring on the chaos - and the salt - and I will maintain my appreciation as best as I can.

One year ago: Tournament: Local Friendly, 1/7/2017


  1. Well, it's not the salt that cause chaos. It's the amount of salt. Because remember, the dosage is the poison.

    1. Right. Good things are not bad - "...too much of a good thing however, usually is."


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