Saturday, January 6, 2018

More Odd Poké-Pika Things

After seeing odd things with Pikachu and Pokémon last year, I knew it wouldn't be the last time I saw such things, and I was right. I've been on a tour of my neighborhood lately, and I kept encountering things with Pikachu and Pokémon with them. I wasn't expecting to find them in the places where they were present, but there they were for many people to see, including me. This is what prompted me to take pictures so that I could preserve them visually, and more importantly, present them via this blog in this post.

While I passed a motorcycle repair shop, I saw a motorcycle with images of the Pokémon logo and Pikachu on it. It was almost like an itasha, something I've desired to make, but it wasn't, since it wasn't liberally applied all over, similar to the motorcycle I saw last year. And no, it was not the same motorcycle I saw last year, since this one was mostly red, and the one I saw last year was black. Regardless, I was able to get close to it and take a picture for reference.

I like this red theme and I could foresee expanding it into a full-on itasha, but that is a back-burner dream that hinges on a lot of things. Yet perhaps it could just happen.

After I passed the motorcycle, I then saw a wall painted with an image of a Pikachu, much like a partial version of the wall mural I saw last year. What's interesting is that the image resembles one of the Pikachu stickers in one of the Pokémon sticker packs in LINE.

Whether the specific image was actually involved in its design, even projected onto the wall to assist in painting, I cannot tell for sure, but the similarity is quite evident that it's enough to assume that it was.

In a different place, I saw three trash bins that had the same exact image of Pikachu (and for that matter, color scheme) on them. The painting work is quite neat and I'm envious that it isn't placed anywhere near my home, because they really enliven the places where they are.

The trash bins seem to be designed to encourage people to throw trash in the proper place; this is also supported by the fact that there were other decorated trash bins with other characters. They seem effective in that regard.

Pokémon appeals to a lot of people, in particular in my case. So to continue seeing it in odd places seem hardly surprising. It's the appeal that makes it so, aided with a little inspiration. These are certainly appealing to me and even provide a bit of inspiration to realize similar Pokémon things in similar ways. For now, these appearances in odd places suffice to present a little more of Pokémon in life.

One year ago: A 3DS Story

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