Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What's Next?

I'm still in a mood of commemoration of blogging for a full year, and now I want to outline some of the things I may want to do with this blog in the times ahead. This is in addition to the possible goals I've set in my one-month and six-month commemoration from last year. Those are ideal goals to be sure, but there are also things big and small that I can do on this blog to enhance the experience, both for myself and others. That is important, just as much as those goals should be kept in mind.

One of those things is what I've already done, which is to post links to older posts to keep in mind the old while progressing with the new. Given my blogging pace, it's not hard to believe that it will happen with all my posts even farther ahead. That means more and more memories to be remembered. Another one is to add some kind of title image to enhance the look of my posts; while it's true that this blog is more about my writing than images, there's no harm to do so. However, that would be a greater undertaking, and even more so when retroactively applied. This may have to be a back-burner consideration that has to remain there for some time.

Something that is more easily achievable while I continue to make more posts is re-categorizing old posts. I started this blog with only a handful of categories and have added a few more over the course of the year, but that doesn't mean every post is placed where I would like it to be, especially those created before certain categories were added. And while certain posts are clear-cut for which category or categories they belong in, there are others that may not be as such. I can never be too fully correct about this should categories change, but at least I can try to be. Also of interest is adding a separate explorer for categories in addition to the one on the right. These are all considerable actions to take.

As I've noted in my one-year commemoration, Pokémon is big but also stands to become bigger, and the same applies to my world in connection to Pokémon. What I do in this blog is to to present that to others through my writing. If that presentation experience can be enhanced, then it surely would be for my benefit as well as others. These and other approaches serve to show my deep connections with the world of Pokémon in a better way.

One year ago: ...And a Hoppip New Year

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