Tuesday, January 31, 2017

It's Been a Month...

Well, it's only been a month since I've started this blog, and I've somewhat fulfilled my "promise" - not a day goes by without my thinking of Pokémon, and I've posted my thoughts every single day about Pokémon, from the realities of my interest in the franchise, to the musings of what I could do or could be done with Pokémon, and even the oddest things related to Pokémon. Certainly there are many, many more things to explore regarding Pokémon, and I want to tag along for the ride, and if I'm there for it, you'll most likely see it on here.

I consider writing to be my strong suit, and I consider writing about what I like to be my strongest suit. I've been writing for years and years, whether because I need to or because I want to, and that is why I started this blog - I want to share my everyday feelings of Pokémon with everyone, and this is the best way I could think of. It is awesome for me to be able to share and express everything about Pokémon through things that I can do, including through writing. In the future, I may expand to other media to do just that, but for now, I'm just happy to do it through the written word.

So for those who have been reading this blog, thank you so much, and I hope that my words have displayed how much I like Pokémon for you. I cannot wait to share even more of my experiences with this great franchise with you so that they may also lead to your own Pokémon experiences. Please look forward to them; I know I already am!

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