Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Hitching a Raid Ride

If you've been reading this blog, you know that I've only returned to Pokémon Go only a few months back, and I just claimed my team a few weeks back. I've had some fun with that, by working the Gyms normally as much as I possibly can, but I have never been able to participate in what is considered the current supreme activity related to Gyms, which is to participate in raid battles. That changed in the spur of an evening, on this very day.

Earlier, I had made connections in a most unusual manner, and I did so with a local raid group. The people there have been able to participate in raids in a coordinated manner, yet I hadn't been able to, for one reason or another. Over the past week, members of the group had received invites to an Ex-Raid downtown, thereby setting up a rendezvous. It was this situation that I took advantage of, and I set out, knowing that I at least could meet up and still do other things on Go even though the others were focused on the Ex-Raid. Sure enough, it happened.

While I was able to play Go as normal, a more important thing occurred. Thanks to the Ex-Raid, I was able to meet many of my group mates for the first time. They're warm, friendly, and most of all, helpful. Although I didn't participate in the Ex-Raid, I was able to participate in another nearby raid that started just a few moments after the Ex-Raid ended. Cooperation with the others was able to net me a Porygon, an interesting Pokémon in and of itself. It was the first time I succeeded in a raid cooperatively, after failing miserably as an individual.

But that was not all. The group invited me to participate in two level 5 raids with Groudon that happened just off downtown. It was an offer I accepted based on convenience and camaraderie, and their assistance was immeasurable, as this was really a raid that needed a coordinated effort, more so on my end. One of the senior members assisted with transportation (hence, the title of this post is a play on that) and another member assisted to keep my phone going. In the first raid, I made it to the end, but I failed to catch Groudon. In the second raid, I had to use up my hard-earned PokéCoins for a Premium Raid Pass, but it was worth it, because in the end I managed to catch Groudon. This becomes a meaningful experience.

Once again, I'm on the far left.

I would like to say thank you to everyone involved in this evening's raid effort and for their assistance. It's truly been an awesome experience. I too would like to apologize if I became a bit of a burden, though this is now water under the bridge given the awesome experience. This Go player is delighted to have had such an experience. It is my express wish that I can replicate the experience at another point in time, and hitch on to another raid... and possibly a ride as well!

One year ago: A Tale of Two Shirts

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