Saturday, January 13, 2018

My Pokémon Show

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go; can't do it alone, I've tried
And I don't know why
I'm just a little girl (boy) lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out; it's bringing me down, I know
I've got to let it go - and just enjoy the show
-- "The Show", Lenka (addition mine)

After what had transpired with VGC and Go, I've realized that in my mastering ways, I still need some help. Further, it seems things - Pokémon or otherwise - are changing in unexpected ways. And in any case, I need to stay strong. That's why I'm suddenly reminded of this song, as it describes my state of affairs. In a way, I hate to admit it, but it's so true. This becomes my Pokémon "show" for me to enjoy.

I went out again with my raid fellows today to try to catch the raid monsters, including the newly unleashed Kyogre; I was able to go on two raids. The raids were successful, but the captures were not. I'll admit, I'm a bit of a clumsy fellow, so that is why in part the captures failed. It's a puzzling thing that I can't seem to get past. They've graciously provided their assistance, and I've accepted it, but things still happen. Whatever happens, there will be more opportunities, as Kyogre has only recently appeared. But most importantly, I contributed in their effort to try to initiate another Ex-Raid. Whether or not it happens, I have to keep my spirits up.

On the VGC front, there is a tournament scheduled for tomorrow, and I am quite unprepared for it. This too is a puzzling thing. I already know I need quite a bit of assistance for this one, and I will need to use the assistance offerings wisely. Still, I also have my own vision for this, and I need to marry this with the assistance offerings. It's just a matter of keeping my spirits up and making sure the preparations are executed as planned. Though considering that now is already crunch time for tomorrow, I will have to simply make do for the next one.

The point of the song is that life is a "show" for everyone included to enjoy (that is, go through). That includes my Pokémon-filled life, where things like these can happen. I may look like a fool for that, but that's because of the attachment I have, which is never enough... just as the song states in another part. I can "ask for my money back" - again stated elsewhere in the song - but I won't, and I'll just keep enjoying the show. It's the least I can do with Pokémon with me.

Welcome to my Pokémon "show". I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

One year ago: Pokémon and Cosplay

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