Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Let's Rule the World, Together

One of the games I have played and recently been able to replay just put in a certain statement as part of one of its features. That certain statement is exactly what I've put down as the title of this post. It's a fascinating statement, though it may or may not be linked to Pokémon. But perhaps that's something that needs to be explored, which is the intent of this post - to see the relation of this statement and Pokémon.

If this statement is related to Trainers, no Trainer really rules the world together, but there are collectives of Trainers that are really good in what they do. They are, of course, the Elite Four, a group that seems to be always present in some way for certain regions. More than just really good, they can be influential in what they do, if their stories suggests so. They become someone that other Trainers want to be. They don't really "rule the world", but at least they may be considered to do so indirectly.

On the other hand, "rule the world" is exactly what the villains and their organizations approach. They have a radical view of the Pokémon world, and their actions do show that. Efforts to clone Mew as Mewtwo, make land or sea superior, and even resurrect an apocalyptic weapon don't happen without a cause, and that cause is to unite everyone under their banner. Obviously this is undesirable to a great deal of others, so this may be resisted so that their rule does not occur.

Back to Trainers, they of course have their individual Pokémon with them. If this is construed as the "together" part, then "rule the world" is effectively analogous as "being the best", or as is more characteristic, "being a Pokémon master". This is surely a wonderful goal, which makes this interpretation wonderful as well. Whether it is realized sooner or later, it remains a pleasantly excellent ideal.

This statement captures my fancy when I'm playing that other game where the statement appears. And yet, it also captures my fancy in relation to Pokémon, even if it wasn't related to Pokémon to begin with. It turns out that it can be interpreted in some ways with Pokémon involved, at least by my reasoning. With that, I'm only happy with this statement, whether I see it while playing that other game or thinking about Pokémon.

One year ago: Triplets and Pairs

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