Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Traveling All the World

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like personally to travel the world unfettered and unrestricted. I'd like to be able to go to one part of the world, sustain myself and others through odd jobs, then move on to another part when the time is right. It's actually something that certain people have done and have detailed about their experiences doing so, though I sense I would like to do it too, if I wasn't so fixed in my life. But then I think about Pokémon, and this is something that quite a few people in this world do regularly.

Trainers are obviously a part of this; their objective is not only to make their Pokémon strong, but also to venture to look for partners and opponents, to spar with or otherwise. In doing so, they'll likely have to travel to many parts of the world to effectively realize the goal. They sustain their experience and progression, as well as those of others; they also do so more or less freely, insofar as their experience and progression necessitates them to stay or go. It's a wondrous thing in this world.

Beyond Trainers, a few other people would be expected to do the same. Those who deal with Pokémon on a very close level would need to go everywhere to deal with different Pokémon, like Breeders with Eggs and photographers with the pictures they take. This would also involve the scientists and professors in this world. What they find out about the world can sustain the knowledge of everyone. The only real difference would be that some of these people would possess an actual home base, unlike Trainers who are more like vagabonds. Their travels could still potentially hold great stories for others.

As much as it might seem pleasant to go on these travels, there is yet the possibility that the journey might fail. If Trainers can no longer travel, they might settle somewhere and lead a new Pokémon life there. For the others, it would be a matter of getting back to home safe and sound. In a way, to travel all over the world may not be something for everyone, at least to sustain it, in which case it's much wiser to settle instead. It's something to consider, whether it's Pokémon or real life.

If I didn't already have many attachments in life, whether to play or to be productive, to freely travel all the world would be something I'd consider, even with all its pitfalls. To see the world and learn about it firsthand could be unlike any other. At the least, Pokémon and its world provides an indication of who might make this happen and what happens along the way. I'm able to think about me traveling all the world through those characters who do just that.

One year ago: Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Uptake

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