Thursday, November 1, 2018

Hardcore (Dis)United

My local Pokémon groups are abuzz with activity. They've scheduled all kinds of things based on what has transpired or about to transpire. It's a great thing for the fans or players who say that they are "hardcore". And yet, as much as I'm interested in participating, in particular for the demands of this blog, I have to admit that I won't be able to take part in quite a bit of it due to one concern or another. That somewhat calls into question the word I've mentioned.

Here's a taste of what's happening. My main series group is holding a series of tournaments again to coincide with the official VGC schedule, though to join, one has to commit up front with payment, which is somewhat different. Meanwhile, my raid group is holding or has held a variety of raid competitions, for individuals or minimalist groups alike, and all of them require video proof by the participants. And in a month or so, my local figure group, the one I've met on two occasions, is planning to exhibit at a certain convention, but the details are still being worked out - a certainty is that the members will all have to contribute something, including monetary payment. All these may be considered "hardcore" in certain ways.

For quite a few Pokémon fans, the word "hardcore" is often associated with the main series games, as a "hardcore RPG". Personally, I've always avoided this usage because it gives the impression that the main series games are for those willing to dive deep. In fact, even Pokémon Go can become "hardcore" in some ways for those who are willing to devote time, money, and effort to seek really good Pokémon, and then to use them in Gym battles and raids, especially minimalist raids. As for figures, it's all about money... and the space to hold on to the figures that makes things "hardcore". Given the above reasoning and my situation, it may be said that I'm not "hardcore" enough.

In general, I prefer not to think of myself as being "hardcore". I prefer to use the word "dedicated" because I'm attracted to many things Pokémon, including the main series games as a starting (and possibly returning) point, and then to everything that makes Pokémon what it is among its many fans. And for as long as there are things to seek, I'll remain dedicated. In the future, I might just nurture a "hardcore" aspect, but at the moment, that is something that has to remain in suspended animation.

All the same, the current activity buzz of my local Pokémon groups is something that appears great to get into. I do want to insert myself somewhere, though I may not be "hardcore" enough for it, at least not currently. In the meantime, I still have dedication, and that should still be enough to take me to places with Pokémon. The manifestation of "hardcore" may then just reveal itself.

One year ago: Duff Knows Pokémon

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